Sunday, November 2, 2008

Charity Never Failleth

So What to be for Halloween was the question of the day on friday. We really had nothing! We thought about being the Channel 4 News Team (Anchor Man) but not everyone has seen that movie or would get it. We tried the 2008 Dream Team couldn't find jerseys. So my buddies told me to get into my thinking mood where I say anything and everything that comes to my mind, you could compare my mind to Hurricane Katrina at this point. So after driving around and having idea after idea shot down, I came up with the perfect costume for 7 "MEN" (boys of the ages 22-23). The Relief Society!!!! More pictures to follow as I retrieve them from different cameras. Needless to say we were a hit, people stopped us everywhere we went to take pictures. I was the First Counsler in the presidency other titles included President,2nd Counsler, Chorister, Enrichment Leader, Compasionate Service, Secratary, and Chad Bunker was our investigator. Ladies I don't know how you do it taking off makeup everyday it is the most awful experience ever!!!! Oh and we'd like to thank D.I. for possesing the most hideous but RS appropriate dresses, buying them was an adventure in itself, lets just say provo hasn't seen many cross dressers in its day so we were closely watched.


Ammon and Brooke said...

I LOVE it!!! Good idea Sam. I bet people were laughing SO hard when they saw you guys. I can't wait to see more pics. Who was the compassionate service leader (that's my calling- I have to make sure "she" isn't as cute as me!)

Rozzy Woods said...

I can see why you guys/girls whatever were a hit! Way to be original. Although I am just glad you didn't do it in out here in Cali because we got enough issues to deal with right now stemming back to gender confusion, ha.

M said...

Haha Sam! Nice idea, I have seen some funny ideas like the FLDS poligamist and 4 wives haha. But I really like your idea, nice thinking cousin!

Mike Woods

Anonymous said...

that offends me! bahahahha