Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gone Fishin

So Saturday I went fishing with John and Glen to Duckfork lake. It was one of the coolest lakes i have ever fished in. I don't think I have been trout fishing since the days of Fred's Lake where they pretty much pay the fish to bite your hook. We went by way of Gunneson and Mayfair UT. about an hour and a half south. Then we took a windy dirt road through and over some mountains down to the turquoise blue lake. We fished for about 3 hours or so then glen and I jumped on the quads and road to 12 mile Flat. John met us there with the truck, then John took the lead quad and took us on about a 20 mile ride down one side of a valley, across the river and up the other side then back around the rim, it was beautiful. on the ride we saw about 5 more lakes, one in particular, Blue Lake was amazing the water was beautiful and will be the site of my first camping trip when it warms up again. after that ride Glen and I took an old trail to the bottom while John took the road. We must of seen 30 Deer, a few bucks and some fawns. all and all it was a great saturday. The trout we cause are called Tiger Trour they are a highbryd between a rainbow and a brown. They were delicious!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

And Then There Were Five

Last night at 9:30pm we traveled to Sandy to pick up the newest addition to the 360 VIP Lounge. He is a Yorkshire/Brussels mix. He is three months old and has been named Sir Titus Bentley Belmont. Brian, Spencer and I are now the proud uncles of this little gentleman. We will be holding a Puppy Shower this Sunday evening for Titus, should be a great event.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


1. Children in public schools will be taught that both traditional marriage and same-sex marriage are okay.

The California Education Code already requires that health education classes instruct children about marriage. (§51890)

Therefore, if the definition of marriage is changed, children will be taught that marriage is a relation between any two adults. There will be serious clashes between the secular school system and the right of parents to teach their children their own values and beliefs.

2. Churches will be sued if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious buildings that are open to the public. Ask whether your pastor, priest, minister, bishop, or rabbi is ready to perform such marriages in your chapels and sanctuaries.

3. Religious adoption agencies will be challenged by government agencies to give up their long-held right to place children only in homes with both a mother and a father. Catholic Charities in Boston has already closed its doors because of the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.

4. Religions that sponsor private schools and which provide housing for married students will be required to provide housing for same-sex couples, even if it runs counter to church doctrine, or lose tax exemptions and benefits.

5. Ministers who preach against same-sex marriages will be sued for hate speech and could be fined by the government. It has already happened in Canada, one of six countries that have legalized gay marriage.

6. It will cost you money. A change in the definition of marriage will bring a cascade of lawsuits. Even if courts eventually find in favor of a defender of traditional marriage (highly improbable given today's activist judges), think of the money – your money, your church contributions – that will have to be spent on legal fees.

For more information visit this website: