Sunday, November 9, 2008


About 3000 people in front of the temple
So I'm sure a lot of you have already heard about the protests that are taking place across California and into Utah against the Church and its support of Proposition 8 here. I got a text message that there were protests going on down at the temple and so I went down to see what was going on. When I got there only about 300 people were out front protesting and only around 50-75 police were there. However as the night wore on more and more police started to show, full tactical gear, riot gear, and S.W.A.T. units. Then around 7:00 a mob of about 2000-3000 people showed up in front of the temple. They were standing on the fence of the temple, making demands for equal rights, some shouted profanities and vulgarities, others wrote albeit w/ sidewalk chalk on the posts of the gates, and some still threw trash over the fence.
The main complaint the supporters of the No On 8 campaign have is that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donated more money than any other group to the Yes On 8 Campaign. As I sat up near the temple with about 40 other members of The Church looking down on the scene of an angry throng and police surrounding the temple on each side I had a few thoughts . . . well i had a lot actually and I don't know if I'll be able to put them all down. I thought an awful lot about the early members of The Church and the Nephites in the latter parts of the Book of Mormon. I thought about the members in Nauvoo that were forced out of their homes and made to leave their beautiful city while the temple burned in the background. I thought how difficult it must have been to not fight back and heed the prophets voice. It also was sad to see the level of ignorance and disrespect shown towards us a group when we have done nothing of this sort towards supporters of same sex marriage. The only thing we have done is use democracy, diplomacy, and mobilize in a respectful manner to see something we believe in succeed. We did not go to any Gay Rights Centers and write on their walls, shut down there religious services, or harass them.Which leads me to my next thought. Where were all of the No On 8 protesters before the election. I didn't see them out in force holding candle light vigils. I never recieved a phone call from them, I never saw them out distributing yard signs. However, now that the election is over and the people of California have voted in favor of traditional marriage AGAIN they can't accept the decision. Isn't this why we have democracy and a vote. Another thing, why are they only targeting the LDS Church when 70% of black voters voted yes. Why weren't they down at the 1st Black A.M.E. Church in south central? Finally, I never thought in a million years would I ever see this much hate and persecution directed at The Church and in an area where I live. What's more is they have more planned. They have been harassing the Oakland Temple and have protests planned for the San Diego temple and some other meeting houses throughout Southern California. UNBELIEVABLE!


Ammon and Brooke said...

It's sad, scary and disrespectful. Thanks for sharing your pictures and thoughts as I am anxious to get updates and know what is going on. I bet it's a little frustrating because you could beat the crap out of 99% of those guys if given the opportunity. They better be careful or we may have to set loose you and your 4 brothers!

Aubrey Messick said...

Thanks Brig for sharing your thoughts on this subject.

As I pulled up to church today, there must have been 50 protestors out holding signs and yelling profanities. It was a sorry sight indeed but truly reafirmed my testimony that "they that be with us are more than they that be with them."

Lately I've been reading through the stories in the Book of Helaman and what the last days will be like and it's so reassuring to know we're on the right side.

Ammon and Brooke said...
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Brooke said...
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M said...

It is a sad sight. I feel for you cousin Brig maybe you need to come to Arizona. Not much protest here. When the Law is final people shouldn't fight against it. I feel bad for our Prophet right now, he has a big load on him. Lets keep him and the state of Califronia in our prayers