Saturday, April 9, 2011


So as I know nobody actually reads this thing except for Sam and I and maybe our mom, but she has to because . . . well . . . she's our mom. This residency has taken a lot of the wind out of my sales and I haven't actually worked out or rode my bike in I can't tell you how long. I finally decided to get with the program and get back in the saddle. I work at a gym, live only 4 miles from work, and have perpetually nice weather. There really doesn't seem any reason why I would have gained 25 pounds in the last year. However, here I sit trying to fit in to all of my slacks and shirts fitting just a little tighter but around the midsection and not my pecs. Well enough is enough. Downloaded the calorie counter to my phone and am motivated on getting back to 200. I started today with a little bike ride along the beach. It was a great time to think and experience the physical adversity that results in success when you keep at it. Anybody can do anything for 3 weeks so here's to making it stick. It's in the blogosphere now, and now I'm accountable.

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And this is my motivation.

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