Tuesday, March 1, 2011


1:30AM Fire Alarm

Pres and Sis Woods old apt....I think

Beach Blanket Babylon with Scott and Rachel

Hmm...no wonder the bike ride was tough sometimes

So it's been a while since I have written anything on the ole blog. Well there's been some changes. I started dating an amazing girl. I'm lucky to be dating her. She's tons of fun and we recently went to San Fran. It was such a cool city and a total blast. From a 1:30AM fire drill at the hotel, Ghirardelli Square, Golden Gate, bike ride across the bridge, visiting my parents old apt, Beach Blanket Babylon, and tons and tons of food. Can't wait to go back.


Lisa Harris said...

Look at you, you little blogger!

Anonymous said...

Brig it is the apartment building right behind you. The second one from the corner. Was a great neighborhood.