Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tis The Season To Be Merry!!!

The other night I went and made gingerbread (Graham Cracker) houses with Courtney and her friends. They have a tradition of doing it every year.  It was a pretty good time. Alot of the houses were poorly constructed and build upon "the sand" having many extravagant features, these houses ended up crumbling.  My house was built upon "the rock" and stood firm. I received the rookie of the year award, little did they know I'm a veteran or the Graham cracker house.  Any way after making the houses we watched the greatest Christmas movie ever. Christmas Vacation hence the title of this post. The greatest line just might be when he is buying underwear and is stumbling over all of his words and finally he says "Tis the season to be merry" and the lady replies "why that's my name" Clark responds " oh shoot". well that is all for this post i should have some more soon.  

1 comment:

Rozzy Woods said...

Awww, I miss this tradition that I also used to do--thanks for keeping it alive. Looks like you are enjoying Provo life to its fullest.