Friday, September 5, 2008


So Monday was Labor Day. Now I don't know if that is a day to labor, a day not to labor, or a day to celebrate labor. All I know is I got the day off of school. So I spent most of my day doing stupid online traffic school. I started at 8:00 AM and still wasn't done by 2:00 PM so I said "hang it, I'm outta here". I went down to the beach which is just a quick bike ride away and hung out with friends. Now the ole ankle is still swollen and sore from spraining it a few weeks ago so I wasn't able to surf, but I got some decent shots of my buddies that do. Now this is just with the point and shoot and a water housing, but it was nice to get out in the ocean. Afterward we got the bicycle gang together and rode down to Main Street to get some yogurt and enjoy the sunset. Good times had by all.


Anonymous said...

basically i hate you.

Rozzy Woods said...

Awesome Pictures! Whoever took them was really good. When are you going to come down here and go surfing with us? By the way, I added you to our family links on our blog.

Aubrey Messick said...

welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. nice pics.

Rachelle Urness said...

Okay thanks a lot for not inviting me to your blog spot! I had to find out about it on Dan's Blog! After I had both of you in my house and took care of you! This is the kind of pay back I get! GRREAT! Just kidding this is a cool idea and cool blog! Miss both of you! How is the ankl Brig! love Rachelle

Ammon and Brooke said...

Cool pics. glad to see you still get a little time to live the dream