Ok on to the most eventful day of the week Saturday is a special day. ... we started the day off by going shooting with Glen and Sarah. We went out to the west side of the lake a safe distance from civilization. We had 3-12 gauges, a 20 gauge, 2- 22's, a 44 magnum revolver, a over under 12 gauge, and an ol trusty winchester 30-30 i like to call old Love, named after Granny of course. We shot guns for about and hour or two, and i'm glad to report no one got hurt, we were just a little cold. Sarah is a pretty good shot. Thanks Glen for taking us.
On the the nights festivities. I was supposed to work at 5pm but when i got to work there was a scheduling conflict so I had the option to go or stay. I was already a little chapped with a few of the people working that night so I decided to take my ticket to the BYU Wake Forest game and leave. Me, Brigham, and Scurr all went to the basketball game. After getting there and checking imediate surroundings, you know closest exits, biggest male threats, and attractive members of the female gender we watched a great basketball game. Brigham had spotted something to his liking at our 4 o clock. so once the game was over he headed right over to have a chat. Long story short, the window of opportunity was given for Brig and I to be twins but it didn't stop there at all. I am currently attending UCLA Dental living in LA in Brigs old apartment while Brig truthfully is attending USC and living in Orange County because he doesn't have to be on campus as much as me seeing as how i'm a first year student. This story was never broken the whole night, we had a few close calls though. Our friend Scurr got in on the action when his plans to go play Pro Soccer in the Spanish league of Europe were ruined with a torn ACL a year and a half ago. Needless to say we scammed the girls ages 29,29, and 26 from 8pm till about 1 in the morning. God Bless great friends.